Common misconceptions and ideas about the rheumatology practice and the diseases treated by them
What is Rheumatology ?
A field of Medicine dealing with the diseases of the joints and their support structures . Literally Rheuma means pain and Logy is study .
Who is a Rheumatologist :
Rheumatologist are physicians – Specialised in treating diseases with Arthritis and Autoimmune background
What does a Rheumatologist do ?
Find out the Reason for Arthritis and administer specailised care to prevent complications and help patients live a normal life
What are the symptoms of Arthritis – how do they show up ?
The commonest symptom of Arthritis is pain in the joints associated with Swelling and limitations of movements .This is more pronounced in the morning
Are all joint pains – Rheumatoid arthritis ?
There are more than 100 causes of arthritis and all joint pains are nor Rheumatoid
- Osteoarthritis is a disease of modern age associated with secondary life style obesity and metabolic syndrome and is the commonest cause of joint pains world wide
- More common with advancing age and wear and tear of the joints
- Rheumatoid arthritis is the commonest cause of deforming erosive arthritis.
Do & Don’t for ARTHRITIS:
Do’s to prevent Arthritis:
- Follow health life style – healthy habits
- Eating Healthy Foods (In needed by focusing the advice from qualified persons)
- Doing regular exercises – do proper exercise to give appropriate muscle strength to carry out the activities.
- Do consult a qualified medical person – in case you develop joints symptoms.
Don’ts for Arthritis:
- Restrict your activities – giving rest to joint without medical advice.
- Restrict healthy foods without advice.
- Wait for the joint symptoms to progress and restrict your activities.